My FrienD's
InGame Nickname :SysJoKer^
Server you often play in :Lw/MK/Ctf/ec
Do you play in any DM server? If yes , which ::EC/Gmd
Your DM Skills : (1-10/10)(1-10/10)10/10
Why are you intrested in our clan?:because it seems to me a very good clan with good people I would like them
But you are accept me thanks to give me the opportunity to be part of their team and to support my experience in vcmp I know that I am returning from a game retreat but I am completely active thanks for your time I like your Clan Good
Will you be active on discord ? :
Nop My Discord Brother but my Facebook Gito and Inferno Spider Bro
Have you read rules?:yeah I've read out these rules
Additional info: I am more active in R2x overall as I find it to be a very fun server over the